Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Day 3: 30 Paintings in 30 Days!

"Put it in Reverse"  $65   (8" x 8" image)

“Put it in Reverse" developed using the same design as yesterday’s painting. It’s 8” x 8” image and can be purchased through my website, www.karenknutson.com   These are listed at a special price during the month of January.  
  Today’s Tip: Do another painting using reverse values. I discovered my favorite app many years ago. It’s called PencilSketch. One of the choices on it is a blackboard. That reverses the values of your painting. I like it because I can check out my light pathway and see if my design is simplified enough. Here is the reverse of yesterday’s painting: 

Blackboard version of yesterday's painting.  It reverses the values.  

 Today’s painting, “Put it in Reverse”, was done using this value study. I traced the main pathway of light from Day 2, so that I could at least start with the same design. This painting used the same colors as yesterday’s painting, believe it or not. (Lemon yellow, red rose deep, and Antwerp blue.). Below are both versions.  A fun challenge for myself.  Hope you will try this!

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