Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Favorite Fun Sketches of 2013

Favorite sketches of Crazy Ladies (and men) for 2013

As I reminisce about my artwork of 2013, I think about the fun I had doing sketches of what I call, "Crazy Ladies" and all the fun I had teaching workshops of this subject.  The students had a ball creating odd faces and their imaginations soared.  These were done using Tombow markers, and after completion, many times, I created paintings using the sketches as my guide.  Usually, I write goals on December 31st, but this year, I'm going to try to keep it short.  I'd really like to complete my book that I've been writing for the past 5 years, and make it my top priority.  Otherwise, I'd like to write goals every night before I go to bed about the next day's expectations.  Not only artwork, but eating and exercise goals as well.  So, there you have it.  It's in print, so there's no going back from here!  Have a great New Year everyone!  I hope to see many of you in my future workshops.http://www.karenknutson.com/workshops.htm  I'm teaching in Arizona in February and in Florida in March. So, if you live in Minnesota, it's a great chance to get some sunshine! Check out my website for my teaching schedule.  www.karenknutson.com


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