Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 23 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days!

"Windows to your Soul"             11" x 11"               $195
I knew that I wanted to do a more abstract painting today, but even I was surprised at this outcome.  I made color samples of rich earth tone colors.  I still started with a totally busy underpainting, pictured below.  Then I drew my value sketch for the abstract design with only 2 values. I made one of the sections large, so I could draw a face within that area.  I usually don't paint positive images, but this time, I was forced to give it a try, so the girls face has four layers of shadow patterns to build up the values.  I refer to Jan Kunz' book, Painting Portraits that Glow, when I need help getting the shadows correct.  The most fun part for me was integrating the abstract design within the face, and working the dark values into the design.  Odd coincidence:  I went to the movie, "Big Eyes" AFTER finishing this painting!  A great movie for artists.  :)


  1. Thanks, Polly! We are on the last hill now. Feeling a lot less pressure. How about you?

  2. I am in a different zone than when I first started. This has been a good learning experience. Look forward to more sleep.

  3. Lovely work - I really like this one, you have done a wonderful job integrating the face with the abstract, it is very successful.

    I must go and see the movie, have read all about it and it sounds very interesting.

  4. Thanks, Rolina. I really liked the movie, Big Eyes. Being an artist, there are several parallels that you will enjoy.
