Saturday, March 15, 2014

Drawing Challenge, Day 15

After yesterday's lop sided wine glasses, I made it my goal to draw another vase type container, and decided to draw my cooking utensils.  You might think, "Oh, she's a great cook?"  Not so.  But I recently have been pushing myself a little to try to be a better cook.  I'm trying to make healthy meals, and use all fresh ingredients.  Kind of fun!  Back to the drawing.  I was so impressed with Kathie George's drawing of her cat, that I decided to do something a little more challenging today.  This drawing took me about 40 minutes to do, and I wanted to shade parts of it in, so that you could see through the ladles, which was what attracted me to the subject in the first place.  I love dividing the background into different shapes, like the challenge was today.  Design has always been a fun thing for me. 

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